说明:我国正式参加了国际“高能物理开放出版计划”(scoap3)。自2014年1月1日起,参加scoap3开放出版计划的共有6个出版社的10种期刊,发表的高能物理论文占全世界产出高能物理论文的约 50%。其中5种期刊的全部论文开放出版,另 5种期刊中所有高能物理论文(占期刊全部论文的一定比例)开放出版。详见下表。
序号 | scoap3期刊题名 | 开放高能物理论文占期刊论文比例 | 期刊网址(url) | 出版社/合作出版机构 |
1 | physics letters b | 100% | elsevier | |
2 | nuclear physics b | 100% | elsevier | |
3 | advances in high energy physics | 100% | hindawi | |
4 | chinese physics c | 7.2% | institute of physics publishing / chinese academy of sciences | |
5 | journal of cosmology and astroparticle physics |
| institute of physics publishing/sissa | |
6 | new journal of physics | 30.9% | institute of physics publishing/deutsche physikalische gesellschaft | |
7 | acta physica polonica b | 22.1% | jagiellonian university | |
8 | progress of theoretical and experimental physics | 36.2% | oxford university press/physical society of japan | |
9 | european physical journal c | 100% | springer/societ à italiana di fisica | |
10 | journal of high energy physics | 100% | springer/sissa |